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In the Senior School, we offer 30 subjects to study in Sixth Form.

Most students will study 3 subjects in Sixth Form, some may opt to study 4. The Sixth Form timetable also includes periods of compulsory Supervised Study and a Tutorial Period where guest speakers talk about a wide variety of relevant topics. 

We provide lots of Games options and we hope that most Sixth Formers will become involved in one of these sporting activities. There are also some optional Enrichment classes, such as Arabic, Mandarin and Philosophy.

Each year, over 90% of Sixth Form leavers proceed to Higher Education, with over 100 pupils going to Russell Group Universities inclduing Oxford and Cambridge. 


Not only has Methody provided me with an outstanding education, it has taught me the importance of communication. From presentations in English class to extracurricular debating, Methody gives you the opportunity to gain confidence and improve in public speaking. This key skill prepares you for all walks of life after the College and I am eternally grateful.

henry mccorry, deputy Head boy 2023-2024


Senior School Subjects

art and design

Art & Design

In Senior School Art & Design we aim to support our students as they take steps to moving to potentially studying an area of art, craft or design in further or higher education courses. In recent years, many of our sixth form students have gone on to study in prestigious universities including the Bartlett School of Architecture in UCL, Edinburgh College of Art, Glasgow School of Art, the Royal College of Art and Central St Martins, to name but a few.

Pupils benefit from hearing from past pupils who share their career experiences, they also benefit from field trips to deepen their knowledge and understanding. 

 Title Senior School Pupil with textbook


Biology at Methody is very ‘hands-on’, students enjoy practical-based study in our well-resourced laboratories. Our experienced staff aim to development and enjoyment and interest in Biology and to find out more about how plants and animals work.

Pupils are encouraged to conduct experiments to learn new concepts and ideas by observation.

At A Level pupils will study the following topics: Molecules and Cells, Organisms and Biodiversity, Physiology and Ecosystems, 
Biochemistry, Genetics and Evolutionary Trends.

Business Studies

Business Studies

The Business Studies department uses a range of approaches including analysing events in the news, discussions and debates on policy, speakers from local universities, businesses, brainstorming, internet research and group work. Widespread use is made of ICT for research, presentation and calculations.

Business Studies continues to be one of the most popular university and career pathways for students leaving Methodist College. It provides students with an excellent broad based preparation for careers and degrees in management, accountancy, product development, marketing, investment banking, international business, finance, actuary, retail or simply running your own business. Throughout the course, students will experience guest speakers and the opportunity to visit businesses.



At Methody we’re passionate about Chemistry. We have a team of ten teachers who foster an enjoyment and interest in learning about Chemistry through 'hands-on' practical lessons.

A Level Chemistry deepens students’ knowledge and understanding of the material world and the effects of chemistry on society. Pupils learn about Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical, Transition Metals, Electrochemistry and Organic Nitrogen Chemistry. They apply their understanding of the scientific process in the laboratory and develop their observational and problem-solving skills.

Senior school pupil studying

Classical Civilisation

Classical Civilisation is available as an A Level option. 

Students who study Classical Civilisation gain a broad and rewarding study of the classical world. There are three areas of study, The World of the Hero (Homer Odyssey and Virgil Aeneid), Democracy and the Athenians and Imperial Image (Augustus).

Pupil in ccomputer suite

Computer Science

Computer Science offers rewarding and challenging possibilities that develop your ability to solve multidimensional problems.

Computer programs directly affect every aspect of our lives; we rely on computer scientists for this. Computer scientists theorise, design, develop and apply the software and hardware for the programs most of us use every single day. As the digital world is rapidly evolving, the need for computer scientists continues to grow. Computer Scientists are needed in almost every industry; pupils will learn many valuable skills, including problem solving, communication and logic.

Digital Technology

Digital Technology 

Digital Technology encompasses current and emerging technologies; the impact they have and how to use them effectively.

Pupils will develop knowledge and understanding of the systems development process, gain an awareness of a range of technologies and an appreciation of the potential impact these may have on individuals, organisations and society, participate in developing an application while adhering to the systems development process. They will also apply new skills to relevant work-related scenarios, and carry out research and development, and present findings in different formats.

Drama rehearsal

Drama and Theatrical Studies

The A Level Drama and Theatre specification is Linear meaning that students will sit all components in their Final Year of Study.

By studying Drama and Theatrical Studies we aim to ensure pupils are able to develop and apply an informed, analytical framework for making, performing, interpreting and understanding drama and theatre. Pupils will also understand the place of relevant theoretical research in informing the processes and practices involved in creating theatre. This hands-on course will enable pupils to participate as a theatre maker and as an audience member in live theatre and develop their own theatre-making skills.

A Level pupils will also visit professional theatre productions throughout the year to deepen knowledge and experience.

Senior School Pupil studying


Economics provides an insight into behaviours that influence income, wealth and well-being. Economics is a social science that incorporates mathematics and statistics.

The Economics department uses a range of approaches including analysing events in the news, discussions and debates on policy, speakers from local universities, businesses, brainstorming, internet research and group work.  Regular tests are also incorporated into the schemes of work to ensure understanding and evaluate learning. 

Employers place a high value on the quantitative, analytical and problem-solving skills gained by those who study Economics as well as the emphasis on effective communication. 

Senior School Pupil in classroom

English Literature

English in Methody has a focus on developing the skills needed to communicate with confidence and authority. In all English classes there is strong emphasis on active pupil participation, the practical application of language and the enjoyment of literature in all its types and genres.

A Level English Literature has always proved a popular choice with Methody pupils, clearly a reflection of an engaging and thoroughly interesting course of study.

English Literature encourages students to be enthusiastic, independent, imaginative, critical and analytical readers. We aim to increase pupils enjoyment of reading, helping to nurture a lifelong love of literature. 

computer science

Environmental Technology

Environmental Technology addresses the challenge of developing and adapting our scientific knowledge to support a more sustainable world. It investigates the potential of renewable energy sources to meet our global energy needs. It also considers how to conserve our resources by redesigning the built environment.

Environmental technology is about solving problems while striking a balance between environmental concerns and technological progress. Pupils will study the Earth’s Capacity to support human activity and also how to build and manage a sustainable future.

This subject significant opportunities for employment in areas such as engineering, planning, manufacturing, technical support and management. It also develops planning, problem solving and independent study skills that are highly valued in the world of work.



In the French Department we strive to develop the ability and skills of our senior school pupils to use French effectively and with confidence. Our aim is to make the study of French an enjoyable experience and to develop an awareness of the French language while encouraging an imaginative, practical and creative approach to it.

Sixth Form students follow the AS and A2 French course AQA coursebook. This text book and supplementary texts form a sound base from which AS and A2 Level students can further their linguistic skills. Pupils are also encouraged to use the variety of supplementary material available in the College Library in addition to internet resources. 

Senior school pupil in classroom

Further Mathematics

Further Mathematics at AS and A2 allows pupils to to extend and enhance their range of mathematical skills and techniques. They will be able to apply mathematics in other fields of study and develop awareness of how mathematics is relevant to the world of work. This qualification gives students a sound basis for progression to higher education and to employment.

The Mathematics Department at Methody is proud of its reputation in the delivery of Further Mathematics. The staff are committed to supporting pupils to fulfil their academic potential.



Geography at Methody provides pupils with a wide range of skills, experiences and knowledge which reflect the breadth and changing nature of Geography. A Level Geography is topical and relevant and includes topics such as Fluvial Environments, Global Biomes, Weather and Climate, Population, Settlement and Development.

At Methody we believe that fieldwork is an essential and practical method of stimulating a sense of wonder in our environment. The everyday use of ICT in our teaching is strong and vital; helping to provide structure, support and stimulus to learning in the classroom. Pupils also have the opportunity to travel to Portstewart Strand to survey the sand dune ecosystem and in recent years have travelled to Iceland and the USA for field trips.

German dictionary


Culturally and commercially, German is one of the world's most important languages, it is the mother tongue of more Europeans than any other language, and is the first language of some 90 million people in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Northern Italy, and is spoken in many other countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

AS and A2 German develops students’ enthusiasm for the language while increasing their confidence in the four key skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. By studying German pupils will improve their communication skills and their ability to connect with others.

Senior School pupils in careers library

Government and Politics

Never has there been a more pertinent time to understand politics. The subject is offered to students in Sixth Form and incorporates a study of a range of political concepts and issues. 

In Lower Sixth, the democratic credentials of pressure groups, the functions of the House of Commons, the difficulties in achieving and sustaining devolved government in Northern Ireland, the relevance of an unelected House of Lords and the implications of Brexit are amongst the topics encountered. In Upper Sixth, political ideas and the politics of the USA are major components. 

Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care provides an insight into health, well-being and caring for others. Pupils will have the opportunity to study a diverse range of subjects, including communication, physiology, social policy and psychology, and develop skills including research, investigation, and analysis.

In the AS units, students explore values of care, and learn about key concepts of health and well-being and the impact of health and ill health on individuals.

Students who continue to A2 will explore the physiology of health, body systems and disorders, and conduct extensive research on a chosen topic.

Rememberance plaque in School House


History at Sixth Form provides an opportunity to deepen the skills which have been through to GSCE. The department comprises of seven highly experienced teachers who possess an infectious enthusiasm for history.

In Sixth Form we focus again on Modern World History, including Russia 1914-1941, Germany 1919-1945, Ireland under the Union 1800-1900 and then continue into the Partition of Ireland 1900-1925. 

History is one of the most popular subjects for studying at A Level. The teaching of these courses is much more discursive, with class debates and group work common. 

Senior School pupils with textbooks


Latin is available as a A Level option.

Our A Level in Latin builds on knowledge at GCSE, introducing students to a greater range of vocabulary, accidence and syntax. This course requires the detailed study of prose and verse literature, inspiring and motivating learners to gain a deeper understanding of the life and culture of the ancient world.

Pupil working at desk in classroom


Mathematics at AS and A2 allows pupils to to extend and enhance their range of mathematical skills and techniques. All pupils study Pure and Applied modules. Emphasis is placed upon the consolidation of material, problem solving and extended use of exam questions. This qualification gives students a sound basis for progression to higher education and to employment.

Moving Image Art

Moving Image Arts

Sixth form students build on our GCSE course to develop their practical skills as film makers.  At AS level, students study Realist and Formalist Techniques and the Classical Hollywood Style before going on to produce a series of pre-production materials leading the production of a live action film or animation. 

At A2 level, students produce an illustrated essay and pre-production materials leading to a narrative film or animation. They then sit an online examination with questions based on clips from set study areas and an unseen script. 

In recent years, many industry professionals have spoken to the MIA students about their own work and careers in the Creative Industries in Northern Ireland and beyond. 

Easter concert at Waterfront Hall


Music is a vital part of Methody life, the central philosophy has always been to involve as many individuals as possible, in as many areas as may be provided, to the highest standard attainable. The musical life of the College may be viewed as two parallel paths - curricular activities and co-curricular pursuits.

In Sixth Form, pupils have the option of taking part in the Senior Chorus. The Senior Chorus, along with the Senior Choir, performs at Prize Day, College Carols and the Easter Concert in Belfast’s Waterfront Hall.  

Pupils can also take part in our vast amount of performing groups including: Girls’ Choir, Chapel Choir, The Band, Irish Traditional Group, Senior Orchestra and Jazz Band.

Nutrition & Food Science

Nutrition & Food Science is a highly relevant, vibrant subject offered to pupils at AS and A2. 

Independent learning is important; the emphasis is on investigation, acquiring new concepts and community ideas both in written and oral form. By using a variety of teaching and learning strategies pupils engage with key issues in a meaningful way. Food & Nutrition provides pupils with opportunities to explore real issues relevant to real-life contexts. These experiences lead to the development of a wide range of transferable skills.

This is a highly relelvant subject due to the public's perception given current global and national food issues and important to ensure we lead a healthy lifestyle helping to reduce the risk of chronic illness promoting overall health and well-being.

Digitial Technology


Psychology aims to stimulate an interest in the topics studied and their wider application to life today. It encourages the development of analytical and practical skills.

The areas of study are broad and wide ranging. They include topics as diverse as memory, stress and prejudice. A varied range of critical issues, relevant to everyday life are also studied. These include eyewitness testimony, day care and stress management.

The teaching methods are active and varied ranging from group and class work to individual and pair work. Role play and practical experiments also play an important role in the methods used.

Phsyics experiment


All students have the opportunity and encouragement to enjoy and succeed in Physics. The study of Physics takes everyday experience and common sense as its starting point. Physics is a popular choice for A Level students. 

Senior School pupils benefit from an exciting curriculum that explores topics such as Forces, Energy and Electricity, Waves, Photons and Astronomy, Deformation of Solids, Thermal Physics, Circular Motion, Oscillations and Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Fields, Capacitors and Particle Physics.

In Sixth Form all students have the opportunity to participate in work-shadowing placements and this gives them valued insight into how knowledge of their subject can be applied. 

Chapel of Unity

Religious Education

In Religious Education we aim to help pupils to think for themselves, giving reasons and opinions on moral and religious issues; explore matters of religious belief, including areas which people of religion disagree; and understand the beliefs and practices of religious traditions other than their own in an open-minded and tolerant way;

Pupils will study modules on New Testament Texts and Ethics in Society. The New Testament module investigates the development of the early church, as detailed in the Acts of the Apostles. Ethics in Society involves studying ethical theories such as Utilitarianism, Natural Law and Virtue Ethics. The practical application of these theories are considered in relation to issues such as bio-ethics, suicide, the environment, war and peace and capital punishment.



At Methody pupils get a truly unique experience as we are the only school in Northern Ireland to offer Russian to its students.

The Russian Department is responsible for the teaching of Russian from Form Two upwards. Through the study of Russian, students are taught listening, speaking, reading comprehension and writing skills. 

Emphasis is placed on a thorough knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. Source based and analytical essay writing skills are fostered at all levels, providing pupils with a range of vital skills. Selected Russian prose and poetry writers are introduced for study in the original at AS and A2 levels and an appreciation of literature is greatly encouraged. At A level students also study different aspects of Russian society and culture. Source based and analytical essay writing skills are fostered at all levels.

Spanish textbooks


Spanish is spoken by at least an estimated 350 million people around the world and is currently the 4th most commonly spoken language worldwide.  Only Mandarin, English and Hindi have more speakers. Spanish is an official language on four continents and is the mother tongue in 21 countries. The sheer number of Spanish speakers and their rate of growth makes learning Spanish a smart choice.  

In Sixth Form Spanish develops pupils enthusiasm for the language while increasing their confidence in the four key skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Pupils will also get to participate in field trips to Spain to utilise the language first hand and develop their skills in a real life setting.

Weights in strength and conditioning gym

Sport - BTEC

At Methody we offer a BTEC in Sport which is the equivalent to 1 A Level.

A BTEC in Sport provides pupils with the skills and confidence they need to progress into a fulfilling, exciting career. The sport and fitness industry is always moving and changing, making it essential for students to have the drive and resilience to adapt.

The practical base of a BTEC in Sport allows pupils to excel as team players, coaches and leaders of the future.

Technology and Design

Technology and Design

To many people, Technology is woodwork and metalwork but this kind of approach to engineering has long since disappeared and the emphasis is now on systems, computers, materials and processes.

Technology is the study of skills and has grown to include the study of practical materials, skills and knowledge. Technology is more than just a study of theory, it is practical. It is the application of technical and scientific knowledge and skills. Technology students study advances made in science and engineering and then use this knowledge to solve everyday problems.

Pupils explore the creative, engineering and manufacturing industries, as well as the importance of high quality technology and design.

Travel and Tourism - BTEC 

At Methody we offer a BTEC in Travel and Tourism which is equivalent to one A-Level.

A BTEC in Travel and Tourism provides pupils with the skills and confidence they need to help them progress into an exciting career in one of the world’s fastest growing industries.  Throughout their two years, pupils will develop a range of skills through the exam and coursework elements of the course. 

Pupils will study Global Destinations. The World Of Travel and Tourism, Visitor Destinations, and Marketing.  They will get the chance to experience the Travel and Tourism industry through links with the workplace.  Practical fieldtrips will help deepen their understanding of key course material.  Recent trips have included visits to George Best Airport, Belfast Harbour, and a Norwegian Star cruise ship.