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Sports & Activities

Prep pupils using swimming pool

At Downey House and Fullerton House we aim to provide a fulfilling and enjoyable educational experience with our wide range of extra-curricular activities from Netball to Orchestra and Playball to Stories and Songs and much more...

Combined with our curriculum these clubs and activities provide a balanced education that create confidence and expertise and teach children to work well within a team or group setting. The children have the opportunity to try, participate in or excel in a range of activities which complements the learning within the classroom.

Whilst most of the our activities are run by the teaching staff, we also bring in outside expertise when necessary.

PE & Games

Our PE and Games programme is extensive and an integral part of school life. Our specialist staff deliver the four aspects of the curriculum of games, swimming, gymnastics and dance throughout the school. We encourage and support all pupils to achieve excellence, with almost all senior pupils having the opportunity to represent their school in one field or another. 

In weekly outdoor sessions, younger children are encouraged to play with an extensive range of outdoor equipment. Pupils from P3 – P7 attend weekly swimming lessons at the Methody campus, with an inter-schools gala held in spring being an annual highlight.

High quality coaching is provided in a range of sports including; athletics, cricket, cross-country, football, hockey, netball and rugby.

The children have access to excellent facilities at Pirrie Park with hockey pitches, cricket pitches, tennis courts, netball and basketball courts and rugby pitches.

Afterschool Clubs

Art Games / Puzzles Recorder Group
Chess Golftastic Tennis
Choir Hockey Scripture Union
Choristers Lego and Construction Skateboarding
Cooking Miniversity Songs and Stories
Cricket Nature Club Summer Fun Club
Football Netball  
Funky Fingers Orchestra  

Field Trips & Residential

Children are encouraged to explore the environment and through practical observation and by reference to resource materials to broaden their experience of the world around them. 

We recognise that to do this it’s vitally important that education takes place both within and outside the classroom. We arrange visits to museums, factories, theatres, history parks, folk parks or other places of educational interest. 

Each year a more extensive trip is organised for the P6 pupls who attend Shannaughmore for a residential experience. P7 pupils also go on a residential ski trip or a visit to Holland.

Prep Choristers
Prep PE
Prep Eco Garden