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Learning Support

Learning Support Image

At Methody Prep, we strive to provide the highest possible standard of support for pupils ensuring that the education needs of all our pupils is met.

The Learning Support Department consists of our Learning Support Co-ordinator and Learning Support Specialist Teacher. We recognise that every child is an individual. This means that from time to time they may require and benefit from additional curriculum support to help them overcome specific learning difficulties. 

As part of our specialised teaching offering our dedicated Learning Support teacher provides additional support for individuals and small groups to underpin and consolidate learning.  Using a range of strategies and resources we encourage the children to develop self-confidence and independence in their work, and to reach their full potential.

Our Learning Support provision ensures that pupils with special educational needs are catered for through individual learning plans which are created, monitored and evaluated by our experienced staff. This process involves close co-operation between pupils, their teachers and parents. 

Sensory Room

Our Sensory Room provides a calm area where children can explore their senses in a safe environment. Children can avoid sensory overload and learn to self-regulate their emotions during the day. It is an absorbing space in which they can rest and relax.  

There is a range of equipment in the area that provides sensory input for the children to explore and enjoy. Benefits include a reduction in stress and anxiety, improvement in balance and movement, development of communication skills and helping children to understand their feelings. Most importantly visits to the Sensory Room lead to pupils returning to class with improved attention and readiness to learn. 

Prep Sensory Room
Prep Sensory Room
Prep Sensory Room