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Fullerton House Blazer

Preparatory Department Fees, Charges & Contributions 2023/2024

Preparatory department fee
Capital Fee £140
Tuition Fee (per academic year)


Tuition Fee (per term) £1933.33
Discount from Tuition Fee for second sibling less 5%
Discount from Tuition Fee for third sibling less 10%
Discount from Tuition Fee for fourth and sucessive siblings less 25%

* If payment for fees is not received in full or by direct debit by 31 October 2023 then the tuition fee will be £6,200.

wraparound care  fee
Breakfast Club 8 am - 8.30 am  £3.00
Afterschool Club 3 pm - 4 pm


Afterschool Club 3 pm - 5.30 pm £17.00

*All wraparound care is booked and paid for using the School Gateway App.

pre-prep fees 2022/2023  fee
Pre-Prep Fee 8.30 am - 1 pm  £21.00 
Pre-Prep Breakfast Club 8 am - 8.30 am


Pre-Prep Afterschool Club 1 pm - 3 pm £10.00
Pre-Prep Afterschool Club 1 pm - 5.30 pm £20.00

Payment options for fees and others costs incurred can be provided upon request by contacting the Preparatory Department.

A parent or guardian who wishes to withdraw a child must give at least one full term’s notice in writing, otherwise fees for one term in lieu of notice will be charged.

The Board of Governors requires the withdrawal of any pupil for whom fees are not paid, following due consideration by the College Principal.