Pastoral Care
The College has a long tradition of commitment to pastoral care and places great emphasis on the moral and social welfare and the development of our pupils.
Through our pastoral care, we nurture all aspects of our pupils’ intellectual, physical, mental and cultural needs by creating a safe, supportive, and caring environment. This enables them to thrive and realise their full potential.
There is a close working relationship between the academic structure of the College and the members of staff involved in pastoral care as we believe that effective pupil support is dependent on the contribution of all members of staff. There is a Vice-Principal responsible for pastoral care together with a Head of Pastoral Care and a team of teaching staff involved in the Pastoral and Form System. A school nurse is on site to assist with pupils’ medical issues.
Approximately 55 tutor groups meet each morning providing staff and pupils with the opportunity to establish a relationship which allows tutors to:
Gauge the general welfare and demeanour of our young people
Show interest in their progress
Offer guidance and encouragement
Build a sense of community within the College
Explore More
- Safeguarding Team
- Pastoral and Form Teams
- School Nurse
- Chaplaincy
- HOPE Schools Counselling
- Tooled UP Education
- E Safety
- Useful Contacts and Websites
- Children's Mental Health Week
Safeguarding Team
Mrs A Kennedy
Head of Pastoral Care. Designated Teacher
Mrs A Logan
Vice Principal, Pastoral. Deputy Designated Teacher
Mrs M Cooney
Deputy Head of Pastoral Care, Middle School, Deputy Designated Teacher
Mrs H Parker
Deputy Head of Pastoral Care, Senior School, Deputy Designated Teacher
Mrs K Steenson
Deputy Head of Pastoral Care, Junior School, Learning Support Mentor
Mrs J Marrs
Learning Support Co-ordinator
Please find below a summary of safeguarding information which is shared annually. If you have any safeguarding queries, please contact Mrs Alison Kennedy, Head of Pastoral Care & Designated Teacher.
Pastoral and Form Teams
School Nurse
The Medical Room is open from 8.45am – 3pm each day and is staffed by the school nurse, Sister Eileen Carleton, or in her absence, Mrs Helen Minford. It offers basic medical support for pupils and staff who take ill during the school day, from the provision of first aid to the distribution of medication and identification of further support and is the first point of contact for accidents and emergencies throughout the school. The nurse has a proactive role in the safeguarding team and liaises closely with pastoral staff as well as contacting parents where appropriate. Part of her role is to ensure that medical records, including the concussion register, are updated, to complete accident reports, to maintain first aid equipment throughout the estate and to order medical equipment and supplies.
Founded by the Methodist Church in 1865. The College is a non-denominational, co-educational grammar school, where pupils of all faiths and non are welcomed into a safe, supportive and inclusive environment.
Chaplaincy takes the lead in promoting and developing the spiritual life and ethos of the College, in collaboration with the College’s Board of Governors and leadership team.
The spiritual life of the College is most evidently seen in assemblies and other communal activities, but the College ethos permeates all aspects of school life and all relationships within the College.
The Chaplaincy is the most visible sign of the College’s commitment to a spiritual dimension to education and will be a point of reference for students, staff, parents and visitors.
The Chaplaincy supports and develops the spiritual and pastoral life of the College. This is a key function in a large, vibrant and diverse community. It demonstrates tolerance and respect for, and an understanding of, all faith traditions and is available to all members of the College community, regardless of their personal religious or non-religious beliefs.
School Chaplains
Mr. I Gibson
Rev. E Hyland
HOPE Schools Counselling
Action Mental Health are pleased to be working with the Education Authority to provide counselling and therapy in post primary schools across Northern Ireland.
During the school term, they will provide individual and group counselling as well as drop-in sessions to support pupils with sensitive issues.
Referral To the School Counsellor
You can be referred to the school counsellor by:
· a parent
· a teacher
· leaving a note in the Counselling Post Box, which is situated in A Block, opposite reception
· self-referring via the Action Mental Health website by clicking the link below.
If you would like to find out more information about this counselling service, please click on the link below or contact Mrs Alison Kennedy, Head of Pastoral Care.
Action Mental Health - HOPE Leaflet
Tooled UP Education
We aim to provide holistic support to everyone in our school community, in all areas of family life, which is why Methodist College Belfast subscribes to Tooled Up Education. This gives all of our families privileged access to a regularly updated digital library, full of evidence-based tips, simple activities, advice-packed videos and enlightening podcasts, on all matters relating to parenting and family life. Tooled Up Education is curated by one of the UK’s leading experts on parental engagement in children’s lives and learning, Dr Kathy Weston.
Dr Weston is passionate about bridging the gap between research and real-life parenting. As a busy parent herself, she understands that loving parents want to do the ‘right thing’ and that parenting is full of joys, but also many challenges. Our children have a vast educational and life journey ahead of them. It is important that they are ‘Tooled Up;’ equipped psychologically with the resilience required to reach their destinations safely and successfully. Watch this clip to find out how the site works.
Get Access To Tooled Up Now:
Simply click on the link below to set up your own personal account by entering your email address and our Unique School PIN number. [We have sent you a registration email containing your unique school PIN. If you cannot find this, then please either contact either the school office or Tooled Up Education on 0203 951 8828 or]
Once you have created your account, you will have immediate access to the entire library of research-based resources, which will help you to support your child in their journey into early adulthood and beyond.
As A ‘Tooled Up’ Parent, You Will:
● Feel more supported on your parenting journey.
● Be able to access evidence-based tips that can help your child to thrive and reach their potential.
● Be able to ask any question and get the answers you need, sourced from the highest quality research evidence.
Tooled Up Is Here For You
Tooled Up is a dynamic library of evidence-based tips; growing in response to parents’ requests for further information. Don’t miss out on Dr Weston’s emails which will keep you updated about new resources and topical issues. When logged into Tooled Up, go to the ‘My Profile’ page and check that you have ticked the box to let her know you are happy to hear from her. We are delighted to be working together with Tooled Up Education to provide this support to you and your family beyond our school gates.
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate in contacting the school office or Tooled Up directly on
E Safety
Advice for Parents/ Carers
As a parent or carer, you play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online and it is very important to have conversations with them about their online activities.
Technology can move at an extraordinarily fast pace, and it can be difficult to know how to start talking to young people about what they are doing online, who they might be speaking to or discussing the potential risks and issues.
Talking regularly with your child is the greatest tool to help keep them safe online. This will help your child feel relaxed and it means when they do have any worries, they are more likely to come and speak to you.
Useful Contacts and Websites
Please click on the link below to access a list of useful contact details for supportive organisations. You may wish to access one of these services if you have a worry or concern about a young person. These contacts have also been shared with our pupils.
As we approach the Christmas season, we recognise that it may not be a happy time for all children, young people, and their families. Our school has received resources to support those affected by violence against women and girls, online safety for children, and domestic abuse during the holidays.
Further support and advice can be accessed at:
Childline helps anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they are going through. You can talk about anything. Whether it is something big or small, their trained counsellors are there to support you.
Childline is free, confidential, and available any time, day or night. You can talk to them:
- by calling 0800 1111
- by email
- through 1-2-1 counsellor chat
Cruse support people through one of the most painful times in life – with bereavement support and information.
Parenting NI
Parenting NI is the leading charity for parenting support in Northern Ireland.
NSPCC supports parents and families in caring for their children.
Eating Disorder NI
The Eating Disorders Association Northern Ireland (EDA NI) is a peer-led charity that delivers support, training, and campaigning services for people with eating disorders/disordered eating, and their loved ones.
Their support services are free, non-judgemental and confidential.
Barnard’s supports children, young people and families by addressing their health, wellbeing and safety needs.
Lifeline is Northern Ireland’s crisis response helpline which supports people who are in distress or despair. Calls are free and it is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
AWARE delivers mental health and well-being programmes into communities, and schools. These programmes include a suite of mood matters programmes, living life to the full, metal health first air and mindfulness.
Young Minds
Young Minds is a charity which support the mental health of children and young people.
Samaritans offer people ways to cope and the skills to be there for others. They encourage, promote and celebrate those moments of connection between people that can save lives.
They offer listening and support to people and communities in times of need.
They are not only there for the moment of crisis, but they also take action to prevent crisis.
Minding Your Head
Minding Your Head provides suggestions on looking after your mental health.
SWGfL provides information on staying safe and secure while online.
CAMHS Resources have helpful resources from across the internet that are available to help support young people, carers and professionals mental health and well-being.
Transgender NI
Transgender NI is a human rights and community organisation for trans and gender diverse people in Northern Ireland. They work to protect and promote the rights and services that communities may need.
SAIL is a family gender support organisation. They work with parents and family members who have children, young people or a family member with gender identity issues. They do this by coordinating peer led family support meetings and liaising with statutory, community and voluntary services and service providers to ensure equity of access to services.
Cara-Friend is an organisation dedicated to supporting, empowering, educating and offering friendship to everyone in the LGBT Community.
Helplines NI
Helplines NI brings together over 35 helplines operating across Northern Ireland. The Helplines provide a variety of support services, including information, advice, counselling, listening ear and befriending.
Many of the services take place over the phone and some provide support via email, text and web-chat. The Helplines provide information, support and advice on a vast range of issues, including: debt; mental health; parenting, unemployment bereavement; substance abuse; and housing.