Dear Parent,
My name is Dr Anderson and I am the SENCO and Head of the Learning Support Department here in Methody. There will be a number of you who have a son or daughter who are on the SEN Register in their Primary School including those with a Statement of Special Education Needs. As parents you will have been used to working closely with the SENCO in your son or daughter’s primary school. I want to reassure you that at post primary school level SENCOs also exist and I will be working closely with you and your son or daughter throughout their time here in Methody.
If your son or daughter has any type of Special Education Need– such as dyslexia, dyspraxia , ADD/ADHD, Asperger’s syndrome, Autism, a Hearing or Visual impairment or any other Medical Need please will you make sure that we are aware of this here in school.
If you have any psychology reports or medical reports concerning your son or daughter please will you send these into Methody before the end of June. If your son or daughter has had an IEP in primary school, please can you also send us in copies of these. If they had extra time or any other special Access Arrangements for the AQE tests we would also like to know about these as this helps us with planning for our examinations within Methody.
All this information ensures that our school SEN Register is up to date and it helps us to write IEPs for the pupils in Form 1. It also ensures that all our teachers have an accurate record of the SEN pupils in their classes and that their needs are being met. Each subject teacher receives a copy of the IEP for each SEN pupil in their class.
In Methody we have a number of teachers within the Learning Support Department who are the school’s Learning Support Mentors. The Learning Support Mentor for Form 1 is Dr Quinn. Dr Quinn and I are both teachers in the Biology Department here in school. In September one of us will be in contact with you to discuss your son/daughter’s IEP and SMART targets. We feel it is important that pupils have a pupil voice when drawing up these education plans so they will be part of this discussion.
Take care and I look forward to meeting you and your son/daughter in August.
Dr S Anderson (