School and Form Councils
The School Council and Form Councils play a very important part in the life of the College.
In the last few years they have represented the views of their peers in making vital contributions to the Development Plan and in putting a set of proposals to the Headmaster and Board of Governors on how to improve the current school environment and on ideas for the future major re-development of the campus.
The School Council debates and discusses a number of important topics including such issues as Celebrating Achievement in MCB, the School ICT Acceptable Use Policy, Gender Equality and Cultural Diversity, the Relationship and Sexual Education Policy, how to develop the role of Form & School Councils, the Canteen & Deli Bar, school prizes, school colours and more trips for junior pupils!
The Councils have ensured that the voice of pupils is not just listened to but acted on where appropriate and possible.
In September of each year each Tutor group in Forms 1-5 elects two representatives on to the Form Council for that year group. This Form Council will meet several times a term and will elect a co-chair and a secretary, as well as three representatives to sit on the School Council. The School Council meets two or three times a year.
Sixth Formers elect representatives on to the Sixth Form Forum, headed by an executive. The Forum and Executive help to run the Worrall Centre, containing lockers, a recreation floor, coffee bar, study floor, computer rooms and classrooms solely for the Sixth Form of almost 600 pupils. The Forum elects three representatives from each of Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth on to the School Council, which is chaired by the Head Girl and Head Boy.
The School Council meetings are attended by the Principal and other senior staff, while the Form Council meetings are co-chaired by the Head or Deputy Head of the relevant Form.