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McArthur Hall


Built in the late 1800s McArthur Hall takes its name from one of the C,ollege’s first benefactors, Sir William McArthur. 

Sir William McArthur bequeathed a sum of money to set up a girl’s boarding house to allow the girls to have an equal opportunity to board as the boys. It had the capacity to cater for over 60 girls in dorms named Faith, Hope and Charity.

During World War 2 the building was taken over by the Ministry of Defence due to its basements being well suited to storing sensitive Government documents. After the closure of boarding in 2010 McArthur Hall was the first of the original school buildings to be renovated. 

McArthur is currently home to the McGrath Library, Careers, Modern Languages, Business Studies and Economics. 


McGrath Library
McArthur Hall
McArthur Hall